You don't have to do
solopreneurship alone.
It's time to be unstuck
The gap to
your next life accomplishment is closer than
you think.
Imagine knowing exactly what to do next.
Imagine being able to act confidently on your decisions.
Imagine relief and validation that you are not alone.
Imagine a roadmap to grow your business.
If you have a business problem that you need a solution for
or if you’re ready to get serious about growth, then a
consultation from Jacob is what you need.
10 reasons you should seek guidance from a business coach
You need permission to be successful.
You seek accountability to reach your goals.
It’s time to go outside of your comfort zone.
You can’t read the label (what to do next) from inside the bottle.
You’ve already tried to brainstorm alone.
6. You’re ready to turn a side hustle into your primary income.
7. Validate your good ideas and check your worst impulses.
8. You need a Watson to match your Sherlock because success leads clues.
9. It’s time to get out of being in a rut.
Who this isn't for
Coaching isn't for everyone.
We probably are not a good fit if:
You are confident that you know what to do next.
I believe in you. Trust your gut, if it doesn't work out you can always reach out later.
You are really desperate for change. This may sound counter-intuitive, but often times we tend to make poor decisions in times of stress. Financial or emotional desperation can lead to a toxic mindset. This may cloud your ability to make objective decisions. If you're really struggling, you may want to seek help from a trained psychologist.
You kind of want progress, you're kind of going to see results. It's okay to be content. It's okay to make little strides to grow. I am just not the right person to help you at this time.
Who this is for
You are a good fit for coaching and could accelerate your progress if:
You are an entrepreneur who is ready to make results happen. You take 100% responsibility for your life. You can commit several hours after the call to take action.
You have tried to reach your goals on your own and it has not worked. You're committed to making this work. you just don't know what to do next or who you should reach.
You embrace feedback. You understand that I am giving you these comments because I have a very high expectation of you and I am confident that you can reach them.
Have you ever procrastinated on something that you really wanted to do because you were scared of the outcome? Did you feel like an imposter, like the reason you are in your position was some big mistake and you were counting the days until you were exposed? It's funny how the worst possible outcome is always the one that's in your head. Silence the inner critic by reaching out to the people that you trust the most. Download this free guide (originally developed by really smart people at the University of Michigan) to:
Collect opinions about your strengths from trusted sources
Use this information to create a composite of who you are at your best
Gain awareness about the disparity between who you think you are and what others think about you
Understand how to best leverage your strengths
How it works
You book a 60-minute coaching call for $150. It will take place via Zoom. To prepare for the call you will need to have the following ready:
Your monthly revenue and expenses
Average size of engagement
The biggest challenge that you would like help with
Please be in a quiet place with headphones and a microphone. Make sure you are free of distractions. Following the call, you will get an audio recording of your conversation along with notes, relevant links to things referenced on the call and action items.
Nothing is more important than your time. If at the end of our call you feel that you have not gotten your money’s worth, just let me know and I’ll refund your payment in full. No hard feelings, one-on-one coaching is not for everyone.
About Jacob